Go go squid

Origin: China
Genre: Romance 
Cast: Yang Zi and Li Xian
Ratings: 4.5/5

Spoilers: this drama is one of my favorite dramas. I would say that it is definitely the best from the ones that I have watched. My favorite part of the drama is when the Tong Nian follows Han Shang Yan everywhere when they were in that marine theme hotel. Ite so cute to watch them like that. Li Xian looks so hot. I was about to watch this drama long back but I thought that the male lead wasn't that great but later I thought I should watch it and I did. Guess what I'm totally in love with Li Xian.

Acting and Cast: acting is really great, Li Xian totally nailed the character. Yang Zi was good too. She played that innocent girl who falls in love with a guy who is ten years older than her. I liked the character of Wu Bai as well.

Music: music is very catchy. Even though I forgot how it sounded but it was pleasant. I liked the song that Han Shang Yan played when they went for boat ride.

Rewatch value: I will love to watch this drama again although I have watched it twice.

Story: the story of this drama revolves around CTF. Earlier I didn't know what CTF was as neither about the tournament. The story is quite interesting. Its unlike all the other cliche Chinese dramas which are based on business. Even though this is also business but its completely different. Han Shang yan owns a CTF club and the Tkng Nian is a computer scientist. The story is based on how the team works hard to win CRF tournament. 

Character development: I guess the only character that undergoes character development is Han Shang Yan. From the very beginning his character has been evolving. Like falling in love. We can see different phases of his character. 

Things I liked
• I loved the whole drama. I think I can watch it      for few more times.
• I liked all the cute scenes between Tong Nian        and Han Shang Yan.
• I liked the character of Wu Bai.
• I liked all the players of team K&K, can anyone    be cuter than Grunt.

Things I didn't like 
• There was just one part which I felt that they         tried to finish in a hurry, the part where team       Solo had their final performance when they all     reunited back again. I didn't understand that         part.

If you like this drama than you should watch Brightest Star in the Sky. It is also based on how a woman helps the male lead to achieve the goals. 

Thank you so much for reading my review. Hope you liked it, let me know about your views about this drama in the comments. If you liked reading my review than please share it with your binge watch buddies. 


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